Zoning and ADUs in Austin Texas

Zoning is fairly simple, unless it’s not.  But, we’re going to keep it simple.  You need to have SF3 zoning.  There are other options, of course, but for nearly all residential properties, this is the zoning you are looking for.  You can determine your zoning via this link  https://www.austintexas.gov/GIS/PropertyProfile/     Simply search by your address and a profile will display.   

But what if I’m NOT SF3?  The most likely zoning if you aren’t SF3 is SF2.  SF2 restricts ADU building or secondary dwellings or any form of 2 family living.  However, like the Texas weather, just sit around and wait long enough and that could change.  When Austin changes the zoning, many properties in SF2 will likely get upzoned allowing for ADUs and duplex construction, provided there are not deed restrictions in place.  Beware the deed restrictions.  

Can I get a zoning change?  Not likely, but you’re more than welcome to try.  

But what about Code Next?  Ahhhhh….fun with city planning.  Contrary to what you might have seen, there is nothing in any version of Code Next that will require you to demolish your house and build a duplex.  Ever.  If you want to keep your 1000 sq. ft. house on a 20,000 sq. ft. lot with code next zoning allowing a fourplex, you can keep your house as it is and your heirs can then sell it to someone who will build a fourplex.  But, also make no mistake, zoning changes will happen and greater density will be allowed.  The city may have to boil the frog to do it but it will happen.  The city has many tools at their disposal to allow for greater density without explicit zoning changes.  This will likely not happen fast and not in one neat edict but it will happen.  Ten years from now, the building options in the city will look much different.

Now, you have determined you are SF3.  This allows you to build an ADU.  But, can you?  You have to consider the trees, the flood plain and deed restrictions and the likelihood that those would be enforced.  All subjects of separate posts.